### 原文与译文对比
“In the Taiyuan reign period of the Jin Dynasty, there was a fisherman from Wuling. One day, while following a stream, he lost track of how far he had gone. Suddenly, 南京创智博航网络科技有限公司 he came upon a grove of peach trees, 邯郸开发区智慧日用百货门市 stretching for hundreds of paces on both banks of the river,东方泵阀网 - 泵阀行业门户网站 without a single other kind of tree among them. The grass was fresh and beautiful, and the falling petals were scattered everywhere.”
陶渊明用摧折的话语勾画出一幅无邪的画面,将读者带入一个辨认粗鲁扰乱的寰宇。英文译文很好地保留了原文的式样色和谐田地,如“falling petals were scattered everywhere”(洒落的花瓣到处都是)这一句,无邪地再现了原文中“落英缤纷”的田地,新县招聘网_新县人才网_新县求职网使得读者或者感受到那片桃花林的灿艳与宁静。
“The land was level and open, the houses neatly arranged, with good fields, fine pools, mulberry trees, and bamboo groves. Paths crisscrossed, and the sound of chickens and dogs could be heard. The people in it went about their farming, men and women dressed like outsiders. The old and young alike lived in contentment and joy.”
这部分译文不仅传达了原文中对桃花源内和谐生涯场景的描绘,还准确地抒发了住户们幸福生涯的情状。“The old and young alike lived in contentment and joy”(老小都安乐)这句译文,充分体现了原文中“黄发垂髫,并欣然自乐”的精神面容。